Integration & Convergence Guide
Home Assistant
Awaken your home !

Open source home automation
that puts local control and privacy first.

Home Assistant joins smart devices to work in unison,

delivering a truly intelligent smart home experience

that makes life more convenient, safe, and enjoyable.

Playing nicely with your beloved brands
Home Assistant have the ability to operate
with tens-of-thousands of third-party products.

Over 2500 integrations-ready modules covering and representing tens of thousands of devices/models combined.

It's the system supporting the largest device base, worldwide.

It's the fastest growing system on the market, and already ones of the market standards, on the way to becoming the golden standard.

Powered by a worldwide community of developpers..

Browse 2500+ Integrations

About smarthome systems and controllers
A smarhome Controller brings all your smart devices together for easy selection and control from a touchscreen or remote, your phone or Apple Watch, tablets and TVs.

From the customizable interface you can control your lights and shades, select your audio and video, control thermostats, security devices, and more.

But far more than just device control, our controller provide you with personalized automated experiences.

We support any brand and systems, but our recommendation of choice goes to Home Assistant.
Beware of the Obsolete !
Many systems out there are archaic, old softwares, old architectures, proprietary, and completely dealer-centric.

Meaning, you are locked-in with the specific brand and dealer.
You cannot modify or upgrade the system using the tech support company of your choice, or yourself.
Everything goes via a dealer.

You are not free to operate, modify and upgrade your system the way you want it, with whomever you want.
You need to wait for the dealer to show-up and be available.

Not only these are dealer-centric, but also proprietary systems.
So new hardware additions and drivers have to be done by the manufacturer.

You cannot purchase some latest Gizmo and think it can be added and integrated into the proprietary system. Only and not until and IF that manufacturer decide to integrate it.

It's how the world worked in a previous Era.

The "Old School"

With proprietaty Closed systems.

With No to little interoperability.

Check our page about: Home OS

If you are evaluating a New System, and want to integrate the best tech, with the best devices from the best brands available on the marker today and tomorrow, then look no further, the answer is

Moving Away from Control4
Quoting: "Home Assistant is 10x what C4 could ever be"